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Restaurant Deals, Offers & Dining Packages

Our restaurant deals category catalogues the best restaurant deals/offers and restaurant packages for business and social events!

You’ll find reduce packages and deals for dining in the main restaurant (perfect for casual dining) along with private dining packages for social events, business functions, and group dining.

We work with restaurants throughout the UK to create specific party packages available for social, religious, or family occasions. We also work with restaurants to provide discounted business packages, day rates and delegate packages for corporate dinners or business events that you wish to hold at a restaurant.

If you’re looking for a great deal at a restaurant, whether it’s a voucher to use for a family dinner, a private dining restaurant deal, a party package for you and your friends to celebrate an occasion, or an easy to book business package that makes organising your corporate event a breeze this is the best place to start.

Browse through the restaurant deals. offers and packages below to find venues near you, or use the search tool to refine your selection.

Once you find a restaurant deal at a venue suitable for you, enquire from the individual restaurant’s deal page, or add it to your enquiry list to make a mutli-enquiry at the end of your search.